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Shavehorses and Spoon Mules

Shave Horses £180 (+ £45 postage)

The essential greenwood working tool, a foot operated vice making working with both hands easy with drawknife and spoke shave. Made with a solid body, fully adjustable for working on different sizes of wood and totally collapsible for ease of storage and transport.

Spoon Carvers Mule £220 (+£45 postage)

A fantastic greenwood working device which makes spoon carving a lot easier allowing you to work on the whole spoon with the drawknife. It is a foot operated device which pinches the spoon very tightly allowing you to use both hands to work on the spoon

Cross-Over Shave Horse/Spoon Mule £320 (+£45 postage)

This is a shave horse which can be turned into a spoon mule. It uses the same body but the shave horse arms can be swapped for the spoon mule head, its like a greenwood multi tool device! Shave horse and spoon mule in one!

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